Sarah, aka Father_Karine, is a very funny writer. On Substack, she writes about her high maintenance dog, about her young adulthood characterized by all manner of misadventure and disinhibition, and about how she can’t be trusted with excellent fruit. She co-hosts the Brutal Film Girl Experiment Podcast.
We talked about her post, “A SECOND manic list of 10 film scenes I believe all men love and why they love them, according to me (a woman who's been drinking)."
Show notes…
Mike Schank’s music—not bad!
Tulpas are on Reddit. Tulpas are My Little Ponies?
Animated movies that Sarah likes: Perfect Blue & Akira
Best non-CGI battle scene ever: Braveheart or Ran?
The worst best film ever?
We talk Stephen King who’s been responsible for movies including: Carrie, The Dead Zone, It, Misery, The Shawshank Redemption, The Shining, Stand By Me, Pet Sematary, The Green Mile, Cujo, Children of the Corn. Four of those (emboldened) are all-time greats. Where is his lifetime achievement Oscar?
Is “Strangers with Candy” ready for a revival?
Music by Duncan Barrett, who you can follow and listen to, here and here.
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