Jul 8Liked by Ken

Ken, I subscribe to the New York Times and read your article and it's beautiful and well put together. I assume you spent hours working on it. I think the main problem why Americans are not participating in sports is due to weak work-life balance. Cost is another factor. Over-scheduling your day is one too. I'm excited for you, Ken. I have all your books and love the way you write. By the way, you'll be a great psychotherapist and outdoors leader. Take care brother, Joseph in Maine USA.

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Marianne spotted it in The NY Times this weekend so I read it! You can make anything sound interesting, even breathing and nasal strips! Love his. I can picture you there doing your thing!

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Look at you now: you’ve come a long ways from the Alaska and Duke Days! Who knows how far you have to go beyond your current achievements - JUST keep on keeping on and Never Give Up!

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Congrats on the article! An adult sports league sounds like a great way to meet people/become involved in the community. Having just moved to a new town, I was thinking about that, or a serviceorganization like Lions Club or Rotary.

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